Questions you always wanted to ask about DKIM - with answers.

How does dmarc block phishing and malware?

Phishing, or obtaining information by deception, and malware/computer viruses are usually perpetrated by disguising the true sender and tricking users into clicking onto a fake website. By authenticating an email sender the majority of phishing, malware and virus attacks are blocked at source.

Does dmarc block spam?

Marketing, promotion and information messages from reputable sources are not blocked. Unwanted spam often comes from illegitimate sources and dmarc identifies and can block unauthorised sources.

Can DMARC protect my reputation?

Reputation can be attached to an ip address, domain name and an email. By publicising your DMARC policy only you and those you authorise can legitimately send emails. You offer this protection by allowing receiving organisations to identify non authorised emails and your policy of quarantining or rejecting emails.